About Eastern Parking Deck Restoration

Eastern Parking Deck Restoration Corp. is an industry leader in nationwide building rehabilitation and restoration.  Our services include parking garage deck repair along with parking deck waterproofing.  We also offer services that include pressure washing, shot blasting, sand blasting, specialty coatings, masonry and concrete repair, concrete diamond grinding and polishing, specialty commercial and industrial floor installation and repair.

Eastern Parking Deck Restoration Corp. routinely performs restoration work on all types of parking decks; interior and exterior and is often called upon for projects requiring major work without interruption in business or inconvenience to building owners, tenants, or guests. We are especially adept at designing and implementing innovative, economical solutions to building maintenance problems. We are sensitive to the budget constraints our clients face, and often are able to devise effective, cost-saving solutions that either completely eliminate or safely defer the need for more expensive major repairs.

Proper maintenance of parking facilities is imperative, this has fueled the inception of EPDR with the goal of extending the life cycle of parking decks better than anyone else. EPDR specializes in the following categories:

  • Parking deck restorations
  • Parking garage resurfacing
  • Mechanical room waterproofing for high rise structures
  • Coating and lining for containment industries
  • Decorative epoxy flooring of all applications

Our expert team and application allows EPDR to be your one-stop-shop for all preventative pavement maintenance and restoration requirements. By having superior insight, knowledge and resources to help address any needs; Eastern Parking Deck Restoration Corp. is a recognized industry leader.

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The EPDR Difference:

Uncompromised Safety and Commitment

All work performed comes with an assurance of safety, quality and efficiency. We are highly active within the industry; our staff is always up-to-date on the latest trends, technological advances and new practices, allowing us to deliver the most economical yet durable and advanced expertise.

Our core belief in uncompromised safety and the commitment to quality continues to drive EDPR forward, successfully completing an abundance of projects for corporations across all industries. This belief has led to EPDR’s most important mission, delivering unparalleled customer service throughout all phases of work.